Thursday, June 11, 2015

Summer Ambitions

I have big ambitions for the summer. So, I am going to attempt to document our progress as a way of staying honest. Let's see what we can actually get to and which activities are the most fun for everyone. It will be me and my three kiddos for the most part with Dad home off and on.

We've got our Summer Bucket List written out with 54 items and 70 days to do them. My 9 year old says there are too many. That may very well be, Son. My husband and I have visions of getting back into a routine of working out that is much needed. We also want to clean out, clean up, and get this house in order. Both boys will be playing baseball twice a week for the next six weeks, two children have gym once a week, and little sister has swimming once a week. We also need to limit screen time and do some academic work to avoid the summer slide.

Wow! I'm exhausted already. We have a lot going on and we will have down time too, but I know if there isn't some sort of plan the fighting will erupt in no time.

My first attempt to get things done without whining to use technology is to have a list of what must be done before the kids can even ask for tech time. I plan to adapt this pin from Your Modern Family to work for our expectations:

No Screen time Until

Tomorrow is the last day of school so, I've got to go and figure out what we will do after early release to celebrate.

Hope to update you on our progress again soon!

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